
What is User Testing and why do you need it

April 24, 2024
Chantelle Horisberger
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Creating a product or designing a website is all about delivering the best possible experience for your users. But how do you ensure your product is hitting the mark? While internal teams can provide valuable feedback, it often lacks the depth and objectivity needed to truly optimise user experience. This is where user testing comes in.

Understanding User Testing

User testing is the process of analysing and measuring how users interact with your product or website. It involves observing real users as they navigate through tasks, uncovering errors, frustrations, and areas for improvement. User testing can take various forms, including:

- Moderated Testing: A facilitator guides users through predefined tasks, asking questions and gathering feedback along the way.

- Unmoderated Testing: Users complete tasks independently, with their actions and feedback recorded for analysis.

- Remote Testing: Participants can engage from anywhere, providing flexibility and broader reach.

Why User Testing Matters


Investing time in user testing upfront can save you from costly mistakes down the line. By identifying and addressing issues early in the development process, you avoid lengthy and expensive rework later on. This is especially true for complex applications and websites where fixing issues becomes increasingly difficult over time.

Consider this: fixing a usability issue after release can be up to 100 times more expensive than fixing it during the design phase. User testing helps you catch these issues early, preventing them from snowballing into larger problems that require significant resources to resolve.


While user testing does require an initial investment, it ultimately saves you money by preventing costly rework. Every hour spent fixing issues later in the development process comes with a financial cost attached. By catching these issues early, you minimise the need for extensive revisions and ensure a more cost-effective development process.

For example, if a critical usability flaw is discovered after launch, it may require extensive changes to the design and codebase. This not only delays the product's time to market but also incurs additional expenses in development and QA efforts.

Increased User Satisfaction:

By incorporating user feedback into your product or website design, you demonstrate a commitment to improving the user experience. This leads to increased user satisfaction, which can translate into higher engagement, retention, and ultimately, sales. Research shows that products focused on user experience tend to perform better in terms of customer satisfaction and revenue.

According to Forrester, every $1 invested in UX brings a return of up to $100. This is because satisfied users are more likely to return to your product or website, refer others, and make repeat purchases.

Real-World Results

The effectiveness of user testing is backed by real-world results. Companies like Zillow, Evernote, and Walmart Canada have seen significant improvements in engagement, retention, and revenue as a result of user testing. For example:

- Zillow increased engagement and conversions by over 8% after implementing user feedback to optimise their property search experience.

- Evernote improved user retention by 15% by addressing usability issues identified through user testing.

- Walmart Canada saw a 13% increase in onsite revenue by tailoring their online shopping experience based on user feedback.

At Eclipse, we've helped numerous clients achieve similar success by incorporating user testing into their development process. Our experienced team uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods to gather valuable insights and drive informed decision-making.

How Eclipse Can Help

If you're ready to harness the power of user testing for your business, Eclipse offers comprehensive user testing services tailored to your needs. Our process includes:

1. Planning: We work with you to define objectives, create test scenarios, and recruit participants that match your target audience.

2. Execution: Our team conducts the tests, either in-person or remotely, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.

3. Analysis: We analyse the data collected, identifying key findings, trends, and opportunities for improvement.

4. Recommendations: Based on our analysis, we provide actionable recommendations to optimise your product or website for maximum effectiveness.

Reach out to our Experience team to learn more and take the first step toward unlocking your product's full potential with user testing.

Chantelle Horisberger
UX/UI Designer

About the Author

With 16 years of design experience, Chantelle is a true advocate for creating exceptional online customer experiences. Her passion lies in transforming digital interactions into seamless, enjoyable journeys that resonate with users. For Chantelle, it’s all about making the online world a more intuitive and engaging place, one design at a time.