Saving the Post Office £250,000 in 6 months.

*The stakeholders were so pleased, we’ve been in a long-term partnership ever since.

How a strategic focus on customer-centricity transformed The Post Office's online platform, leading to £250k cost savings and a long-term partnership.

Research / Experimentation

The Theory

Legacy businesses like The Post Office faced the challenge of modernisation and meeting evolving customer expectations. Transitioning from a primarily brick-and-mortar model to a digital strategy was imperative for staying relevant and reaching new customers. Recognising the importance of enhancing their digital presence, The Post Office invested in a Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) program to improve their eCommerce platform.

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The CRO program aimed to prioritise customer-centricity by analyzing user behaviour and identifying pain points in the online experience. Through extensive user research and testing, various issues were uncovered, such as difficulties in self-serving for products like insurance and travel services. Insights from this research were used to create a roadmap for improvement, focusing on quick wins and significant obstacles.

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Several solutions were implemented based on the research findings. This included making the main call-to-action button on the homepage more prominent, simplifying the date of birth input process for travel insurance applications, adjusting the placement of terms and conditions during the transactional process, and streamlining the pricing page and product bundles to enhance the checkout experience.

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Within the first six months of the CRO program, The Post Office realized significant cost savings of over £250,000. These savings were attributed to increased efficiency in the online journey, leading to fewer errors, smoother transactions, and reduced cart abandonment rates. The success of the program led to an extension of the partnership, demonstrating the value delivered through ongoing optimisation efforts.

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Saving the Post Office £250,000 in 6 months.
Saving the Post Office £250,000 in 6 months.
Saving the Post Office £250,000 in 6 months.
Saving the Post Office £250,000 in 6 months.

The Results


of users unable to see the main call-to-action button on the homepage, down from 30%


of users experienced an error message when inputting date of birth for travel insurance, down from 99%


of users received an error message after failing to interact with the 'T’s and C’s' section, down from 73%

"When GDPR hit, it was panic stations. We were losing quite a bit of money online within our travel insurance products. We tested a number of different variants around this, and as a result, saved a quarter of a million pounds on the product alone. That's fantastic ROI impact from just one test, and that's from the teams research."
Mark Holgate, Post Office CRO Specialist

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